
Written by. Adinda Fatimah

Horse is a living things which classified in kingdom animalia. Horse phylum is chordata with its class as a mammal. Horse order is perissodactyla. Horse is also classified in equidae family and one of the mammals in equus genus. For more specific, it species is Equus caballus. 

Horse is a very beautiful animal. It has a strong and muscular posture with four sturdy legs that support it. The horse's body is covered with fur so that the horse doesn't get cold easily and doesn't exposed to direct sunlight. Horse also has two eyes which blind spot, so that the horse can widely see the object in front of it. The sense hearing of horse, is also very sensitive. Life span of horse is between 25 until 30 years. Finally, horse has a long tail to maintain its balance either when the horse has to stand, walk, or run.

Since long ago, Since long ago, horse is hard-working animal that have an important role in many human activity both historically and economically. One of them is in agriculture, farmers use horsepower when plowing fields. Apart from that, horse can be used to pull things like wheeled vehicles that we know as delmans and horse-drawn carriages. Horse can also be ridden by humans using saddles. In fact, horse was first used as mounts by wandering tribes in the grasslands and deserts of Central and North Asia. Furthermore, horses are also used as mounts during ancient wars.

Horse has been played a broad role in human culture. One of them, horse in various cultures are considered as a symbols of freedom, intelligence, and strength. In the Chinese calendar those born in the sign of the horse are intelligent, independent, and have a free spirit.

Horses also have various types. However, the most famous is the Mustang Horse, from America. This horse is a tough horse and lives freely in the wild. Other types of horses are:
1. Gayo Horse, 
2. Sumbawa Horse, 
3. Aceh Horse, 
4. Batak Horse, 
5. Arabian Horse, 
6. American Saddle Horse, 
7. Hockney Horse, 
8. Thoroughbred Horse, 
9. Australian Horse, 
10. Welsh Pony, 
11. Etc. 
                       Mustangs Horse

                           Batak Horse

Sumbawa Horse

                         Arabian Horse 

                         Hackney Horse

                        Australian Horse 

                             Welsh Pony



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