Can You Answer It? Pt. 2

Hello all! How are you? I hope you're having a good day!😊☀️

Thank you to all of you who have been reading the posts that I shared on my blog, I hope you enjoyed it.

So, in this post, we're going to play "Question and Answer", the question based on the text on my previous post, and the tittle is, "The Meaning of True Wealth". 
You can read again the text and if you're ready, you can continue to this quiz. 

Oh, for your information, the benefits of this quiz or game, is to test how well we can understand the content and the moral of the text, and also to teach us to be more focused on one thing.

Okay, are you ready? 😼
Let's start! πŸ“£

1. From the text, we can conclude that the character of the girl is.. 
 a. Humble. 
 b. Wise. 
 c. Arrogant. 

2. Please make a direct sentence from this statement,
The girl respond to his father, that she thankful to her father for letting her see how poor they truly are. 

3. Please make a statement from this direct sentence, 
"Did you notice how poor people live?" - the father asked. 

4. "The daughter replied in delight."
Synonym of the word 'delight' is.. 
a. Grouch
b. Uneasy 
c. Pleasure 

5. Please give your statement about the moral values that you can conclude after reading the text! 

πŸŒ™ So? How was the game? I'm sure you're doing great. I hope you all enjoyed it too! :) 

Thank you for your time, you can share your experience after reading the text and play the quiz in the comment below. 
Once again, thank you for your time, have a good day! πŸŒΌπŸŽ‰


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