Conversations : Suggestion and Offer.

by. Adinda Fatimah

Namira    : Hello, Rinai!

Rinai       : Hello, Namira!

Namira suggested Rinai to join with SEF at recruitment new members of extra curricular program.

Namira   : Let’s join with SEF at today’s recruitment new members of extra curricular program,  Rinai!

Rinai      : I’m up for it, Namira. But I think I will join with SSR too. Is that okay?

Namira   : No problem, because we must have at least 2 extra curriculars and we can join with anything that we interest too.

Rinai      : Okay, I think I will join with SEF and SSR then. How about you, Namira?

Namira  : Wow, good for you Rinai. I think I will join with SEF, Trilogi, and Pramuka 3.

Rinai     : Thank you, Namira. I hope you have a good time with those members of extra curriculars that you choose. Have fun!

Namira    : Thanks, Rinai! Have fun, too!:)


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