Hi! In this post, I will share about my goals and my ambitions in my future. Please enjoy!

Firstly, I love reading books, watching movies, playing around with my pets, and especially talking and sharing with my close ones. I usually talks with them after school or when it comes to dinner and family time.  When I share about how was my day or my stories with them, I always feel happy and warm. Ow, and also, I really love biology, language, and history subject at school.  That's why in the future, I hope I can make my parents proud and happy, I can be a helpful person to others, and for my spesifics jobs, I really want to be a Neurologist or a Tour Guide or a Teacher. Aamiin.

There are several activities that I must do to achieve my goals. I must study dilligently, practice my speech correctly, and also be more empathy with my surroundings. At school, I join with Trilogi and SEF extracurricular to help me with my studies and speechs. I often watch documentary films and other movies to practice my pronounciation (I usually gets new vocabularies too). And I loves to spend my times with my family, reading books, and also housekeeping.

That's all that I can share with you now. I'm sure you're all have your own goals and ambitions too. 
So, I hope we can achieved it together, OK! Don't give up on ourselves and dreams!☺❤


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