A Brief Introduction About Me!


My name is Adinda Fatimah, you can call me Adin or Adinda. I was born in Bandung, at 30th July, 2004. I am 15 years old now, and I'm a student as well. I study at Senior High School 3, Bandung. I live at Riau street no. 117, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. I am the youngest child of three siblings. By the way, I have a twin. His name is Ananda Tyaga. He and Alik, my older brother, study at Senior High School 20, Bandung. They takes care of me very well. My mother, she is a very humble person, and the most beautiful, unique person in the world. She's the best ❤. My father, he is a very tough, manly, and the best father in the world. And I'm so grateful to have them, in my life.

That's all about my family. About hobbies, I have a lot of hobbies. There are reading, tell stories, singing, swimming, cooking, and staring the stars at night. But, from all of it, I really enjoy reading, tell stories, and staring the stars at night very much. When I stare at the stars every night, it feels so calming and peaceful for me. And the reason why I really enjoy share many kind of stories to my family and friends, whether it's about me, my activity, other stories, or even just a jokes, because I want to cheer them up, and I hope them always cheerful.

I also have many favourite foods. There are padang satay, lead rice, penyet chicken, liwet rice, indonesian yellow rice, gorengan, chips, fried rice, young coconut ice, orange juice, and ice cream. My favourite books to read, are written by Tere Liye, Vbi Djenggotten, and Ahmad Faudi. And also, my favourite song was written by Hunter Price, The Goo Goo Dolls, Coldplay, and Sheila on 7.

About my dream. Hopefully, someday, I can be the person who makes my parents proud, we can go to jannah together, and become someone who is helpful for others. I also really want to travel the world with my family, and become an entertaining tour guide.. Aamiinn.. To achieve my dream, I must study earnestly, be dilligent in reading, and always have faith in god.

Well, that's it a brief introduction about me, I hope it's clear enough. Good bye!


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