A Dialogue Related to Compliment and Congratulations

A Dialogue Related to Compliment and Congratulations
Written by:
Adinda Fatimah (X SCIENCE 5/01)
Belva Tabina P. (X SCIENCE 5/14)
Rayfa Rekafitri Mulyana ( X SCIENCE 8/28) 

In the afternoon, Belva and Rayfa are studying at the garden, in SMAN 3 Bandung. A few moments later, Adin sees them from distance, and she wants to come up to them, to greet them.
Adinda: “Wait, is that Belva and Rayfa?”
Adinda: “Hello Belvaa! Hello Rayfaa!”
Belva   : “Hi Adinn!”
Rayfa  : “Hi Adinn!”
Adinda : “Wow! How are you guys doing?”
Belva   : “I’m good!”
Rayfa   : “Me too!”
Belva   : “Thank you, for asking us.”
Rayfa   : “And how are you, Adin?”
Adinda : “I’m fine, thank you. You two looks so fresh today!”
Belva   : “Hihi.. Thank you!”
Rayfa   : “Hmm, I think there’s something different on you, Adin.”
Adinda : “Hmm.. What?”
Belva   : “Is that your new hairstyle? It looks so cute on you!”
Adinda : “Alhamdulillaah, yes it is. It is a french braid. Thank you for your compliment.”
Adinda : “Hmm.. Wait a minute..  What are you guys up to?”
Belva    : “Oh, this?”
Adinda  : “Yeah.”
Belva    : “We are studying for our Bioscope Medical Competition.”
Adinda  : “Wow! Seriously? Are you guys one of the participants?”
Belva     : “Yes, we are.”
Adinda : “Wow! Congratulations! That is so cool! I hope you guys get the best result on it.         Aamiin.”
Belva     : “Aamiin, thank you!”
Rayfa     : “Aamiin, thank you!”
Belva     : “But, wait.. I heard that you are one of the committee of the Quartil?”
Adinda   : “Yes, I am.”
Rayfa     : “Congratulations Adin! I hope you do your best.”
Adinda   : “I will, Rayfa.. And ooh Rayfa, I heard that you are one of the manager of Belitung Muda?”
Rayfa      : “Yes, I am.. Please support me, Adin!”
Adinda    : “Yes, I will Rayfa.. I hope you do your best!”
Belva       : “Aamiinn!”
Adinda     : “Oh, I forgot! There’s a task that I have to finished right now.. So maybe, we talk later?”
Belva       : “Ohh yeah.”
Rayfa       : “Sure!”
Adinda     : “Please, continue your studying.”
Belva        : “Alright, Bye Adinn!”
Rayfa        : “Thank you! Bye Adinn!”

~ ~ ~


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